ADMI hosts Gulati for panel discussion, lecture, and book launch
ADMI hosts Gulati for panel discussion, lecture, and book launch A renowned expert on Indian policy visited University of Illinois...
MOREADMI hosts Gulati for panel discussion, lecture, and book launch A renowned expert on Indian policy visited University of Illinois...
MOREWhile previous research has studied the effectiveness of postharvest loss reduction technologies, the ADMI team found two issues that needed...
MOREADM Cares supports 3 ADMI projects for 2022-23 Three postharvest loss-related research projects totaling $120,000 were recently selected for...
MOREFood Systems Perspectives in Policy to Address Postharvest Losses By Bradley Brinkley, Global Food Security Fellow, ADM Institute for the...
MORESustainability Literacy for Farmers Background The Subsistence Marketplaces Initiative at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Gies...
MOREDrying Crops with Stored Solar Energy Background Over the past few years, University of Illinois professor emeritus Bruce Elliott-Litchfield has...
MOREPostharvest Loss Reduction Policy Initiative Background The Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) is...
MOREPhoto credit: M. DeFreese/CIMMYT Scaling Postharvest Technology Adoption In India Through Digital Platforms Background ADMI has identified many...
MOREIntegrating Postharvest Technologies into ‘Scaling up Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) through Mainstreaming Climate Smart Villages (CSVs) in...