Delivering Quality Soybean In Ghana Through Improved Storage Capacity
Based at the University of Illinois, the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Soybean Value Chain Research (SIL) is dedicated to soybean research for economic development and the reduction of poverty and hunger by nurturing improved soybean value chains in Africa.
Project Information
Postharvest grain and seed quality is especially challenging in the over-winter period in the tropics. A shortage of critical grain and seed storage leads to poor processing yields for grain buyers and poor germination levels for seed sellers. The lack of access to good storage structures and practices along the value chain from the farm gate to soybean processors reduces the gains from improved farm productivity.
In this project SIL addresses key issues associated with storage and associated practices among traders. This will be achieved by:
- SIL will develop a grain and seed handling training manual, online course, and training workshop for soybean traders in northern Ghana
- SIL and partners will conduct a gender assessment to understand how gender affects storage constraints and practices. The information from the gender assessment survey will form the basis for identifying the key constraints affecting female traders as they seek to keep control over, and maintain the quality of their inventory.
- SIL will conduct a technology scan and analysis of appropriate storage and measurement (e.g. a locally produced moisture meter) solutions for small and medium grain and seed traders. This analysis will provide foundational material for SIL’s training manual, online course, and training workshop.
Project Outcomes
A capacity-building training program was held in northern Ghana on March 9, 2023, for 28 soybean traders (13 women and 15 men).
The training was organized around three thematic areas and was jointly facilitated by Dr. Edward Martey and Mr. Robert Kwasi Owusu. The first section of the training focused on the insights from a recent trader survey, while the second session focused on harvesting, threshing and storage of soybean. The last session of the training was centered on practical discussion related to moisture testing and hermetic storage.