What is transportation?
Transportation occurs throughout the value chain, whenever crops are moved from one step to another – from field to processing facilities, field to storage facilities, and processing facilities to market. Transportation losses are relatively very low in developed countries.
What causes postharvest loss at this stage?
Lack of adequate transportation infrastructure results in damage of food products through bruising or breakage, or spillage losses. Additionally, the more times a crop must be transported, the higher the possibilities for loss. Low-quality bags that are loaded and unloaded many times will eventually start to leak.
What does research focus on?
Transportation-specific research focuses on quantifying actual losses, which vary greatly by countries and crops. To read articles and find research about transportation and postharvest losses, refer to the table below.
Titles | Authors | Tags | Publication Date | Category |
Monitoring Grain Bed Conditions during Truck Transport of Soybeans in Brazil | Olsen, Jonathan W.W., et al | Drying, Transportation, Soybeans, Maize, Moisture Management | 2013 | Journal Article |
Grain Supply Chain Network Design and Logistics Planning for Reducing Post-Harvest Loss | Nourbakhsh, Seyed Mohammad, et al. | Processing, Transportation, Maize, Value Chain | 2016 | Journal Article |
Robust Grain Supply Chain Design Considering Post-Harvest Loss and Harvest Timing Equilibrium | An, Kun, and Yanfeng Ouyang | Storage, Transportation, Marketing, Maize, Oil Seeds, Value Chain | 2016 | Journal Article |
Condition Assessment of Trucks Used for Soybean Transport in Mato Grosso, Brazil | Wilhelmi, Christopher, et al. | Transportation, Oil Seeds | 2014 | Journal Article |
Danao, Mary-Grace C., et al. | Drying, Storage, Transportation, Oilseeds, Moisture Management | 2015 | Journal Article |