Archive of the The First International Congress on Postharvest Loss Prevention: Developing Measurement Approaches and Intervention Strategies for Smallholders
About the First Congress
The first congress assessed the challenges associated with postharvest loss within the framework of metrics and measurements. The focus was to enable the development of better tools and interventions to prevent postharvest loss for smallholders in developing countries. The event provided networking opportunities for professionals from academic, governments, non-governmental organizations, foundations, and private entities. The high-level coalition of diverse professionals createe a roadmap for postharvest loss prevention by formulating needs and plans for future actions towards a global consensus on measurement and mitigation approaches.
Download and view the complete PDF of the program (with errata).
Click here for Proceedings from the First International Congress on Postharvest Loss Prevention.
Click here to view and download the “Road Map for Reducing Global Postharvest Losses”, created with input from Congress participants.
Sponsors & Partners
Co-Organizing Sponsors

Gold Level Sponsor

Silver Level Sponsors

Other Sponsors and Partners

Dr. Subbana Ayyappan | Director General | Indian Council of Agricultural Research |
Dr. Usha Barwale-Zehr | Director, Office of Compliance and Ethics | Mahyco |
Dr. Jose Cuesta | Senior Economist | World Bank |
Mr. Dennis Fisher | Director, Office of Compliance and Ethics | Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) |
Mr. C.D. Glin | Associate Director | The Rockefeller Foundation |
Dr. Elise Golan | Director for Sustainable Development | U.S. Department of Agriculture |
Dr. Robert Hauser | Dean, College of Agricultural | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Consumer and Environmental Sciences |
Dr. Ahmed Kablan | International Nutrition and Public Health, Research Advisor | U.S. Agency for International Development |
Mr. Eric Luftman | Director, Office of Agricultural Policy | U.S. Department of State |
Ms. Charlene McKoin | Senior Program Officer | Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation |
Mr. Divine Njie | Senior Officer | UN Food and Agriculture Organization |
Ms. Victoria Podesta | Vice President and Chief Communications Officer | Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) |
Dr. Phyllis Wise | Professor | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Dr. Robert Zeigler | Director General | International Rice Research Institute |
Dr. K. Alagusundaram | Deputy Director General, Agricultural Engineering | Indian Council of Agricultural Research |
Dr. Ben Bennett | Professor and Head of the Food and Markets Department | University of Greenwich Natural Resources Institute |
Mr. Tony Bennett | Agro-Food Industries Group, Livestock Industry Officer | UN Food and Agriculture Organization |
Mr. Mike Cecava | Research Director | Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) |
Dr. George Czapar | Associate Dean and Director of Extension | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Ms. Amy Diggs | Foreign Service Officer, Agriculture, Biotechnology, Textile Trade Affairs, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs | U.S. Department of Statea |
Dr. Prasanta Kalita | Professor and Director of the ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Dr. Xia Kang | Professor | Academy of State Administration of Grain |
Mr. Pradeep Khanna | Associate Chancellor for Corporate and International Relations | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Dr. Lisa Kitinoja | Founder | The Postharvest Education Foundation |
Dr. Deepak Kumar | Post-Doctoral Research Associate, ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Dr. Dirk Maier | Professor and Department Head of Grain Science and Industry; Director, International Grains Program | Kansas State University; Grain Science and Industry |
Ms. Anne Mbaabu | Director, Market Access Program | Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa |
Dr. Neal Merchen | Associate Dean for Research; College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences; Director, Experiment Station | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Dr. Elizabeth Mitcham | Director, Postharvest Technology Center | University of California – Davis; Department of Plant Sciences |
Dr. Suzanne Nielsen | Professor and Faculty Fellow, Office of Corporate and Global Partnerships | Purdue University |
Dr. Kathy Partlow | Research and Grant Development Specialist | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Ms. Patrina Pink | Communication and Partnerships Consultant | Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction, UN Food and Agriculture Organization |
Dr. Daniel Queiroz | Department of Agricultural Engineering | University of Vicosa |
Dr. Kent Rausch | Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Dr. Angela Records | International Agricultural Research Advisor | U.S. Agency for International Development |
Ms. Kai Robertson | Lead Advisor, Food Loss and Waste Protocol | World Resources Institute |
Mr. Eric Trachtenberg | Director, Food and Agriculture Sector | McLarty Associates |
Mr. Robert Van Otterdijk | Agro-industry Officer | UN Food and Agriculture Organization |
Dr. Alex Winter-Nelson | Director, Office of International Programs, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |